CLIMB THE STAIRS-Put a word on each step. The child says each word as they climb the stairs (can lay on floor if there are no stairs). Say it first or put the same word on each step until child has mastered a few. Add a few at a time.

FLASHLIGHT FUN-Give child a flash card and have him look for that word (5-10 times) in a newspaper or in a magazine.Each time s/he finds the word s/he circles it and says the word.

HIDE AND GO SEEK-Hide the letters around the room when the child is busy elsewhere. When child returns, have him find the letters one at a time and tell you what letter it is. It’s fun if the letters you hide make a word he knows…like hide the letters of his name, brother’s name, etc. Can child correctly rearrange letters to spell the word?

CONCENTRATION-If you have 2 sets of cards (or make an extra set), you can play Concentration. Choose several pairs of matching words and spread them out face down on a table/floor. As child turns over each word, he must read them. If they match, s/he wins them; if not, they are turned back over.

WHAT’S MISSING?-Child places 3-4 words on the table, identifies words, and then closes eyes while parent removes one word. Child identifies missing word. Then parent closes eyes, and lets child remove a word.

PAINTING WORDS-Paint words on the cement with water.

MAKING WORDS-Make words out of pretzels, Twizzlers, gummy worms, sour snakes, and other long skinny candies.

RHYMING WITH WORDS-Play rhyming games such as "I'm thinking of a word that rhymes with “cat” and begins with /b/. (bat)

SOUND DELETION-Play deletion games such as "What is cart without the /c/?" (art) "What is bark without the /k/?"(bar)