ABC Ideas


1. ABC Memory-Students use the cards in the ABC Memory tub to take turns and to verbally ask their peers for cards that have the same letter and picture on them (making associations between letters and sounds).

2. match upper case letters to lowercase letters

3. match letters to pictures of objects that begin with that letter/sound

4. practice ABC order as they arrange letters in ABC order, identify missing letters, and connect the dots from A to Z

5. make letter sound associations as they use pointers to read ABC strips

6. Students sort letters of different styles and fonts. Students also sort letters of the same style by characteristics of the letter. This helps children to focus on features and aspects of letters that distinguish one letter from another (such as circles, tails, tall, short, uppercase, lowercase, etc.).

7. match two pictures that begin with the same consonant letter/sound

8. place letters in alphabetical order

9. make their name

10. find the upper case and lower case letter that a picture begins with

11. find pictures that begin with given letters

12. stamp the letters in ABC order

13. label a picture that they have drawn

14. manipulate letters to form 3-4 letter words to match pictures (with or without dotted letters underneath)

15. match small objects to word cards

16. match word and picture cards